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Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Drug Delivery System Using Natural Polymer

Ajinkya Chavan, Yogesh Gurav, Swapnali Zore, Shital Jadhav

From the experimental results obtained with physical parameters, floating lag time, and in vitro release, it could be concluded that rapidly floating tablets of ramipril could effectively be formulated employing sodium bicarbonate as the gas generating agent and tamrind gum as the sustain release,tamrind gums used in the concentration range 50-100 mg was able to give sustain drug release . Formulation F9 containing 25 Sodium bicarbonate and 100 mg. Tamarind gum was obtained which take a time for floating tablet and for complete drug release.

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Google scholar citation report
Citations : 1101

International Journal of Pharmacy received 1101 citations as per google scholar report

International Journal of Pharmacy peer review process verified at publons
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