Dilnawaz Shaikh, Jahanzeb Shaikh, Asif Bin Rehman and Sumaira Shafi
Methanolic extract of Hairs and Glands covering fruits of Mallotus philippinensis (kamala powder) were subjected to Antimicrobial and toxicological screening. Antimicrobial profile indicated that extract was effective against all Gram positive cocci and bacilli used in the study. Among Gram negative bacilli, three important pathogenic species i.e. Salmonella typhi, Salmonella para typhiA and Pseudomonas aeroginosa showed sensitivity to the plant extract. Among Fungi tested, Candida albicans was sensitive whereas penicillium and Aspergillus species were non-sensitive to the extract. Acute toxicity studies in mice indicated that kamala powder is feebly toxic. No mortality is observed even at a high dose of 1000μm/kg B.W. However male mice exhibited significant decrease in body weight. Results of autopsy also showed significant decrease in weight of Liver and spleen at P<0.05 Histopathological studies indicated minor pathological changes in kidneys and liver of the test animals.
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