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Anti-inflammatory activity of Cuscuta Campestris hydro alcoholic extract on anti-inflammatory animal model

Asad Ullah Faiz Ghalib, Muhammad Nadeem*, Syed Muzaffar Ali, Prof. Dr. Bakir Shyum Naqvi

Cuscuta campestris Yunck having common names like Golden Dodder, field Dodder and Bay Parri which is widely distributed in America, Africa, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, South and East America. Cuscuta campestris grows on other plant as a host having antibacterial, parasitic properties and anti-inflammatory due to presence of certain chemicals. The main purpose of research work was to find out the anti-inflammatory activity of plant extract. For evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of Cuscuta campestris, adult Wistar rats of both sexes weighing between 150-200 g were used. Edema was induced in sub planter region of right hind paw of Wister rats by injecting 0.1 ml of 1% suspension of Carrageenan in normal saline. After establishing animal model, treatment was started by giving the plant extract 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg. Control was treated by normal saline. To compare the activity of extract, standard drug (Acetyl Salicylic Acid) was used. The results were documented on 0, 1, 2 and 3 hours after treatment and percentage inhibition was recorded. From the results, it was concluded that; the hydro alcoholic extract (200mg/kg) of plant Cuscuta campestris produced better inhibition of paw edema as compared to standard anti-inflammatory drug available.

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Citations : 1101

International Journal of Pharmacy received 1101 citations as per google scholar report

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